Posted on June 30, 2020, by Massey Law Group
On June 22, 2020, Starlett Massey, founding shareholder of Massey Law Group (MLG), was reappointed to serve on The Florida Bar Diversity and Inclusion Committee. Her reappointment is for the 2020-2021 Florida Bar year, with the new term beginning on July 1, 2020.
Startlett was reappointed to her position on the committee by The Florida Bar president-elect, Dori Foster-Morales. Starlett has served as a member of the Diversity and Inclusion Committee since 2018, and she also serves on the Special Subcommittee for Gender Equality.
“Recent events across the globe have elevated conversations about diversity and inclusion in the legal community,” said Starlett. “Diversity, inclusion, and equal rights are core values of our firm, and the committee’s work fosters and reinforces these values. I’m honored to continue to serve on the Diversity and Inclusion Committee of The Florida Bar and work to support positive solutions to benefit our profession, community, and clients. This is how we heal, grow together, and decide where we go from here.”
MLG promotes and encourages collaborative, positive change within the legal community and community at large. We do this through active involvement and events in professional and community organizations, including The Florida Bar, Faces of Courage, and Florida CraftArt. We have experienced that engagement helps create opportunities and space for sharing ideas, challenges, and successes.
The committee supports a variety of initiatives and programs in the legal community to promote diversity and inclusion in The Florida Bar. A major initiative of the committee is the Diversity Leadership Grant program. This program supports diversity, diversity training, and dialogue among lawyers in Florida through the financial support of conferences, seminars, summits, and symposia hosted by local and specialty Bar Associations.
Regarding the committee and its work, The Florida Bar Board of Governors has stated, “The Florida Bar is fully committed to the enhancement of diversity within the Bar, the legal professional, legal education, and in the justice system, and it affirms its commitment toward a diverse and inclusive environment with equal access and equal opportunity for all.”
To learn more about The Florida Bar’s Diversity and Inclusion Committee, please watch: